Do you know what knee arthritis symptoms are?
Did you know that arthritis is one of the most common causes of pain in the knee? In fact, age 65 and over one in two, have arthritis in the knee. Arthritis pain is like a dull tooth ache and sharp with sudden movements. Mild to severe swelling can be present with pain. Sometimes the bones will grind together resulting in a lot of pain. The pain can be temporary, chronic, or debilitating. It worsens when you get out of a chair or car, also with prolonged walking or standing. The pain gets better with rest, heat (sometimes ice), and pain medication.
Can you guess what the number one cause of chronic disability in the United States is?
It is arthritis. Arthritis affects almost 40 million Americans and referenced in over 100 diseases that cause pain, stiffness, and swelling from the inflammation of a joint. There are two basic types of arthritis that may cause arthritis of the knee: rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. The arthritis that has been discussed to this point has been rheumatoid arthritis and it causes swelling in the joint.
What is Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis means stiffness in the joint. Rheumatoid arthritis means joint swelling. Do you know how many people are affected with osteoarthritis? It is roughly 16 million. Who can get osteoarthritis? Usually, it often affects middle-aged (30 to 60) and elderly people; however, it can develop at any age.
Why does osteoarthritis cause pain?
With osteoarthritis, the cartilage that surrounds the bones of the knee are like a cushion and over time that cushion wears down, and grind or rub together. In rheumatoid arthritis, over time the cartilage wears away and the cushioning fluid becomes inflamed.
What are other causes of knee pain?
Other causes of knee arthritis pain can include injuries, prolonged or excessive exercising, fracture, obesity, bursitis, tendonitis, cartilage tears, dislocation, and genetics.
How is osteoarthritis diagnosed?
Your local doctor will go by the symptoms that you report. Your doctor will get a history from you to include when the pain started, what makes it better, what makes it worse, any injuries to the area, and how it feels. X-rays can assess the joint spacing; MRI to view inside the joints and bone; and fluid removal that can be sent to a lab for analysis.
What are the osteoarthritis or knee arthritis treatments?
The best knee arthritis treatments are lifestyle modifications such as change your eating habits (more fruits and veggies), lose weight, and exercise (if run, then swim). Other treatments can be use of supportive devices (canes and knee sleeves), vitamin and supplements (glucosamine and chondroitin), heat/ice, liniments, medications, gold salt injections, viscosupplement (injection to lubricate the knee) and minor surgery. It may take up to 2 months for you to feel the effects of supplements. Medications prescribed can be NSAIDs (Ibuprofen), anti-inflammatory meds, and corticosteroids. Surgical treatment can include osteotomy, arthroscopy, or total knee athroplasty are the ones used most on knee arthritis symptoms.
You can buy arthritis treatments at most online pharmacies with no prescription needed. You can also buy or generic Cialis online if you are having ED or impotence related problems. Asthma medications and hair loss products are also available online.